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Qi, Min and Xinlei Zhao, "Comparison of Modeling Methods for Loss Given Default", Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 35, No. 11, (November 2011), pp. 2842-2855.

Abstract: We compare six modeling methods for Loss Given Default (LGD). We find that non-parametric methods (regression tree and neural network) perform better than parametric methods both in and out of sample when over-fitting is properly controlled. Among the parametric methods, fractional response regression has a slight edge over OLS regression. Performance of the transformation methods (inverse Gaussian and beta transformation) is very sensitive to ε, a small adjustment made to LGDs of 0 or 1 prior to transformation. Model fit is poor when ε is too small or too large, although the fitted LGDs have strong bi-modal distribution with very small ε. Therefore, models that produce strong bi-model pattern do not necessarily have good model fit and accurate LGD predictions. Even with an optimal ε, the performance of the transformation methods can only match that of the OLS.

JEL Classification: G21,G28.

Keywords: Loss Given Default (LGD), Regression tree, Neural network, Fractional response regression, Inverse Gaussian regression, Beta transformation.

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